Senior Care Solutions

Enhancing Safety and Communications in Healthcare

At NetraClos, we specialize in offering end-to-end Senior care solutions to ensure enhanced safety and communication within healthcare facilities.

Smart Access Lock System

Security is the prime factor while crafting our advanced locking systems. We offer a variety of locking mechanisms that provide final protection to patients and staff in a care facility. The locks furnished are robust, easy to handle, durable, and feature-rich with keyless entry, remote access, and emergency override facilities. With Netraclos, rest assured that your facility is protected and safe for your patients.

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Nurse Call Systems For Resident Care

A nurse call system is essential for any care facility, as it provides patients with the assurance that any type of assistance is just a single call away. It enables patients to request help easily and quickly, promoting quick and effective responses on the part of caregivers. Equipped with wireless two-way communication, integration into mobile devices, and real-time monitoring, our nurse call system brings improved care quality and peace of mind not only for patients but also for staff.

Let's Collaborate

Ready to take safety and care in your facility up another notch? Contact us today and see how NetraClos can provide you with just the right senior care solutions.

Why Choose Us?


Years of experience in healthcare technology have armed us with the knowledge of challenges and special needs of a medical facility.

Customer Support

End-to-end support services—from product installation to maintenance—will ensure that your systems work efficiently at all times.

Quality Products

We design our solutions to be durable, reliable, and efficient—giving peace of mind to our staff and patients.

Customized solutions

We work with you to tailor and implement solutions that best fit your needs.