Locking Systems

High-security Locking Systems For Senior Care Facilities

Netraclos combines convenience with a high level of security for senior care centers. They provide better security and easier access management for personnel while taking care of the residents.

Biometric Authentication

It ensures the access of authorized people to sensitive areas with fingerprints or facial identification. By using unique biological attributes, biometric authentication provides the highest level of safety against the violation of entry, protecting residents and staff from unwanted access.

Smart Card Access

Our access systems also include smart card access, with easy-to-use smart cards for staff and residents. It facilitates fast and secure entry to all areas within a facility. It makes the management of access very easy and efficient. Hence, smart card access is very useful in the context of every senior care facility where ease of use and efficiency are critical factors.

Monitoring and control through remote

Control from anywhere is one of the most important features of any locking system, which facility managers can monitor and control remotely. Real-time oversight allows the manager to quickly respond to security-related issues and adjust access permission with an assurance that the facility areas will be safely locked at any time. Remote monitoring and control for improved management of facilities and making it easier to maintain a secure environment.

Let's Collaborate

Feel free to contact us today for more information regarding security at your senior care facility.

Why Choose Us?

Quality Support

We provide the best customer service, with focused support on installation, maintenance, and technical help designed to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of your locking systems.

Improved Security

Advanced locking systems eliminate unauthorized access and limit entry to sensitive areas based on authorization, protecting your residents and staff.

Operational Efficiency

Access management simplifies burdens on administration, allowing staff to focus more on attending to care.

Personalized solutions

We design our systems based on each facility's needs, be it by biometric authentication, smart-card access, or remote monitoring.